The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) is providing guidance for child care programs receiving multiple sources of funding in response to program closures mandated by Executive Order Temporarily Closing All Child Care Programs and Authorizing the Temporary Creation and Operation of Emergency Child Care Programs. These funding streams include: Child Care Development Funds (CCDF), Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), and the Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Support for Unemployed Workers
Small Business Loan and Recovery Programs
The federal Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan program closed on August 8, 2020. If you currently have a PPP and/or EIDL loan, please review the resources and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.
EEC is partnering with the Children’s Investment Fund to provide technical assistance on PPP. To receive technical assistance, please fill out this intake form in English ( or this intake form in Spanish ( or email us at
Children’s Investment Fund and its partners have hosted three webinars for the early education and out-of-school time field. To access the recordings, click on the links below and enter your name and email to view the videos.
June 17, 12:30pm – 1:30pm: Goodwin Procter, Children’s Investment Fund, CliftonLarsonAllen, and Eastern Bank (Webinar)
April 24, 11am-12pm: Children’s Investment Fund , CliftonLarsonAllen, Goodwin Procter, and Clarendon Early Education Services (Webinar)
April 24, 1-2pm: Children’s Investment Fund , CliftonLarsonAllen, Goodwin Procter, and Clarendon Early Education Services (Webinar)
Other Resources:
Other Helpful Financial Resources
NAEYC webinars
"Paying Yourself, Your Staff, and Your Bills: Helping Child Care Programs Understand and Navigate SBA Loan Options"
(Slides from the April 9, 2020 webinar) Watch the
video of the webinar
"Cómo pagarse a sí mismo, a su personal y sus deudas— Entendamos las opciones de préstamos SBA para programas de cuidado
(Slides del taller virtual del 10 de abril, 2020) Mira el
video del taller virtual